
Tuesday, August 2, 2016

VO2 Max: Benefits for You

In many instances when people with no physiological testing background are asked if they would be willing to complete a VO2 max test on a treadmill or bicycle, they expressed feelings of anxiety. They expressed that the anxiety comes from the belief that a VO2 max test is very similar to a torture session, complete with a muscular meltdown into a puddle of lactic acid and sweat.

This is NOT the case at all.

Yes, it is a physical test and yes it will be physically difficult, but not for longer than a minute or two. The test length actually depends on your fitness level. There is no time limit as the test will end when you, the tester are at a point of fatigue. This can take anywhere between 10 and 30 minutes depending on the tester.
In laymen's terms, VO2 is how much oxygen your body can transport to your muscles to sustain work in an hour. So if you weigh more your body will require more oxygen.

The VO2 max test uses measures of heart rate in conjunction with caloric output as determined by the Korr machine’s measurement of the CO2 in the air exhaled by the testing individual. The test takes the individual through a range of effort levels to establish an accurate number of calories expended per hour at varying training levels.

The results let you know at what specific heart rate your body begins to use FATS or CARBOHYDRATES as its main energy source. If you are looking to lose more fat…this is the test for you!

VO2 max is a great way to determine ones fitness level by testing how the body consumes and utilizes oxygen. A beginner may not be able to utilize much oxygen at first due to low lung capacity, but as one continues to train, their lungs are able to take in more oxygen and utilize it better. 
Essentially allowing individuals to exercise much longer and more efficiently. If you are looking to optimize your endurance and fitness levels…this is the test for you!

Understanding the results that are yielded from a VO2 max test are a key component in a fitness or weight loss journey. Having an understanding of the way that your body works is essential in a successful weight loss or exercise optimization journey.

This test is NOT just for runners, cyclists, or super endurance athletes. Anyone can take the test…and anyone can benefit from the results.

To schedule your VO2 max test or to talk to one of our Lifestyle Architects give us a call at 301.685.0230 or send us an email at

Look ahead to our Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) article to learn how it can benefit your weight loss journey as well!

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