
Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Hidden Dangers of a Sedentary Lifestyle

Our bodies are made to be active and to move. Unfortunately the lifestyle that the majority of the world is living has become sedentary. If you don’t regularly exercise and are sitting down for the majority of your day, your lifestyle can be categorized as sedentary. Even if you do exercise, if you spend the majority of your day in a sedentary job, you could be in the danger zone.

Bones are the foundation of our physical being and the heart is the foundation of our life. They require exercise and movement to maintain their strength and nutrient contents.

Think about it like this, in order for a car’s engine to function at maximum capacity, it needs to be driven. If you leave a car in the garage for years without taking it for a drive, the engine won’t start. It’s similar with your heart, except your heart needs to be “driven” and challenged at least 3 times per week.

If your heart is rarely or never exposed to exercise, your rate of weight gain, heart attack, high blood pressure, and many other significant and potentially fatal medical issues increases. Being physically inactive is a close second only to smoking as a leading cause of preventable death.

The hardest part about making changes in your lifestyle is taking the steps to initiate the changes. For anyone trying to start a fitness or wellness program, the easiest way to start is by going for a walk a couple times per week.

Nu’U Vitality Center is participating, and is continually encouraging other local companies to participate, in Bethesda Transportation’s Walk & Ride Challenge starting in September 2016. The Challenge is bringing local business together through friendly competition while getting sedentary individuals outside and active. If you are a business owner in Downtown Bethesda, this is a great way to get your employees moving and encouraging the get and stay active. If you work in the Downtown Bethesda area, talk to your business owner about starting a team and taking that first step! Follow the link below for more information regarding the Bethesda Transportation’s Walk and Ride Challenge and to sign your team up!

Nu’U Vitality Center is also here to help you take that first step! Join us Wednesday’s during your lunch break at 12:30, Wednesday evenings at 6:30, and/or Sunday mornings  at 8:30 for our FREE walking program, Nu’Strides. Come get your steps in  while enjoying the beautiful outdoors and meeting new people with similar  goals. 

To sign up for our walking program, follow the link below and RSVP! We are excited to be a part of your first steps into a healthier you and a healthier lifestyle!


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